Shift, Shake and Dance
This is the premiere issue of our new ministry and family newsletter. After 18+ years with LINC Ministries, we now have a new ministry, a new mission, and new modes of communication with our friends and supporters. The purpose of this first newsletter is to help you understand both the changes that have taken place, and why we believe the fingerprints of God are on all the newness. Inside, you will find somewhat concise statements of our sondance Mission, Values and Mandate. You will find descriptions of some of the new assignments God has given us. You will read about the shaking that God is doing these days, in us and around us. And you will read about the “sondance card” we will ask you to help us fill up by supplying information – specifically, an email and/or conventional mail address – that will allow us to communicate with you consistently and cost-effectively. After nearly two decades of producing a 2-page, photocopied, bulk-mailed monthly newsletter, we are making some changes and moving to a combination of emailed newsletters (usually), mailed newsletters (occasionally), and blogging. Accordingly, please give specific attention to the Dance section – our ability to communicate with you in the future is dependent on us getting the right information!
We hope you are ready to shift, shake and dance with us!
Sondance is not LINC Ministries under a different name and in a different state. It is, in most ways, new. Below you will see our Mission, Values, and Mandate. They are significantly different from what we have done in the past, as are our ministry assignments. One more obvious change in that regard: stepping away from the Portland Youth Foundation, and stepping into the issues of fatherlessness and family restoration.
The Mission of sondance is to serve Christ, His Church, and the advancement of His Kingdom through a ministry of teaching, training, mentoring and writing, emphasizing:
• Spiritual formation • Family restoration • Community transformation
In carrying out this Mission, sondance will embody the following Values:
• Faith – working itself out through love and obedience
• Prayer – cultivating intimacy with the Father
• The whole gospel – searching out and living the fullest meaning of the Cross
The Mandate of sondance is to pray, and obey
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Here are some of the new assignments God has given us:
• Facilitate the Campus Alliance Prayer Team (CAP Team) as we work with the Campus Alliance to see a prayer covering established over every secondary school in the nation. I am working with a wonderful team – Intercessors for America president Dave Kubal, Claim Youth Campus founders Jeff and Arianna Eckhart, Moms In Touch VP Marlae Gritter, National Network of Youth Ministries CEO. T. Ray Grandstaff – and we are highly motivated!
• Serve as an advocate within youth ministry for addressing the issue of fatherlessness. I believe that modern youth ministry has been a God-ordained exercise in bandaging the festering wound of fatherlessness, and He is now asking those us with a heart for youth and families to seek Him for ways to heal the wound.
• Network individuals and ministries around the nation that have an emphasis on bringing hope to the fatherless. In this area, God keeps connecting me with likeminded folks from around the country. I know this is purposeful, and God will make His desires clear as I seek Him.
• Work with our Camas Prairie community in Idaho to address what they recognize as crisis issues: youth drug/alcohol abuse and family dysfunction. There are around 2,000 teens in the area, 2 public high schools, and lots of challenges.
• Work with local leaders to see a House of Prayer established and functioning in the Camas Prairie community. If 2 Chronicles 7:14 is our prescription for bringing healing to a land and people, this is a strategic way to start the healing process.
• Plant a church, likely in our Carey home. We already have connected with some potential “parishioners!”
Previous assignments that will be continued as God leads:
• Writing, speaking, teaching and training.
• Mentoring emerging leaders as God leads both locally and nationally.
• Serving on the National Prayer Committee, the Mission American Alliance, and other national groups where God has given us a measure of favor and influence.
• Serving as an advocate for prayer in the youth ministry movement, and an advocate for youth ministry in the prayer movement.
There is, we believe, a holy urgency to what God has called us to do through sondance. While every generation since Christ’s resurrection has believed in His immanent return, Scripture also makes it clear that we are to “keep watch” and discern the signs of the times. We believe that there is some serious shaking going on in the western church that is not “coincidental” or simply a random historical footnote. The purpose of this, shaking is, in part, described by the write of Hebrews:
“. . . once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken — that is, created things — so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:26-29)
Is your world being shaken? Ours certainly is! Part of our shaking involves a number of formidable challenges that come with starting a new nonprofit, selling a home, and moving to a new home in another state, all in a crummy economy. We have also seen a significant drop in donor income during the transition from LINC to sondance. The Scripture says that the shaking is for our good and for the removal of all that is “shake-able” or not of the Kingdom. Idols – those things that may occupy the places in our hearts and lives that belong to God alone - fit that description nicely. So, we thankfully worship God with reverence and awe, and join the chorus of the Spirit and the bride in saying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
When the ark was retuned to Jerusalem in the time of King David, the Bible says that David “danced before the Lord with all his might.” The Psalms mention dancing several times as an acceptable form of worship. And the prophet Jeremiah spoke of a time when “maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well.” While there is more to the name “sondance” than the thrust of these passages, they are certainly relevant!
As we launch sondance, would you help us “ fill out our sondance card?” The dance card originated in the 18th century in Vienna, and was traditionally carried by a young lady attending a formal dance or ball. It generally had a fancy cover, often made of leather. Inside was a card listing the number of dances for the evening, and a gentleman would sign the young woman's card assigning himself a particular dance.
Our primary means of communicating with you in the future will be newsletters distributed via email. The cost of printing and mailing newsletters has continued to escalate, and the requirements for preparing a bulk mailing have become increasingly time-consuming. We still believe in the value of a tactile (paper) newsletter mailed the conventional (continued on next page) way (as this one was), but from now on we will be sending those out only three or four times a year. So, getting our “sondance card filled out” means getting both conventional and email addresses from you, our readers.
If you received this newsletter via conventional mail, then (obviously) we have your conventional mailing address, but we also need your email address. There are three primary ways of accomplishing that:
1. I have started a blog (a kind of web site) at the following address: blog consists of newsletters past and present, some photos, and written responses to various rumblings in my soul. It also has a “Join Our Mailing List” link on the right side of the blog in a pale yellow box If you fill in your email address there, I will get it and we’re set!
2. Send an email to me at:, putting your name in the subject box.
3. Fill out the information on the enclosed response envelope and mail it back to us.
There is one more dimension to our sondance card: our prayer team. Throughout the history of LINC Ministries, we had a team of praying people who played a HUGE role in our ministry. We would like to reconstitute and expand this team for sondance. If God prompts you to join our prayer team, you will receive periodic updates via email that will help you know how to pray for our ministry and us. You can let us know of your interest via return envelope or email. Thanks!
Over the course of eighteen years, the LINC mailing list took on a life of its own. Honestly, there are some names on the list that I do not recognize – perhaps Portland-area youth workers who moved on long ago, or folks who briefly connected with me during my ministry wanderings across the earth. Whatever the reason . . . if you receive this newsletter and we don’t hear back from you, we will assume you would like to be removed from our lists.